Why choose SOLIDWORKS Composer?
SOLIDWORKS Composer 2020 can now import all the exploded views and their steps from the SOLIDWORKS CAD model. These views can be reused for a variety of purposes including animations. Animations can now be saved as MKV, MP4 and FLV in addition to AVI. Lastly, A series of raster and vector images can be rapidly published using the new 360 degree capture.
SOLIDWORKS® Composer™ software streamlines the creation of 2D and 3D graphical contents for product communication and technical illustrations.

SYNC Enterprise is an automation tool to sync SOLIDWORKS Composer Publications back to the original SOLIDWORKS CAD data. Batch files are created by SYNC that can update existing projects or publish various formats simultaneously, keeping the end deliverable up to date with the current SOLIDWORKS Design.
SOLIDWORKS® Composer allows you to quickly create 2D and 3D graphical content to clearly explain and present your product or process. The tools let you work directly from 3D CAD data to create high-quality illustrations, photo-realistic images and interactive animations and to import design data.
Composer Player Professional
Interact with 3D content using SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Professional. It includes all the features of the SOLIDWORKS Composer Player, but also enables you to interrogate a model, adjust the viewing angle and rotate/pan/zoom in real time. You can also use custom API's to customize the Player.
Composer Enterprise Sync
SOLIDWORKS Composer Enterprise Sync is the enterprise version of SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync with additional features to update information for maintaining accurate product technical communication. Changes in product or manufacturing information can also be updated for SOLIDWORKS Composer deliverables.
Composer Sync
SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync creates a batch conversion process from 3D CAD and other 3D formats into SOLIDWORKS Composer format. Changes in product data or manufacturing information can be automatically updated to SOLIDWORKS Composer deliverables. You can save batch job settings to XML for future use.